With 2D array imagers from Zebra, you get more technology so you can do more business with a single device. Unlike 1D laser scanners, only a 2D array imager can scan both 1D & 2D traditional or electronic barcodes, as well as capture images. Discover how 2D imagers are changing your industry for the better:



Whether at a patient's bedside or behind the pharmacy counter, nothing is more crucial than ensuring that each medication or procedure provided is the right one, every time. 2D imagers can help save lives and reduce medical errors.

See how 2D Imagers can automate tasks and allow for better patient care >


Guests are already using mobile coupons and gift cards. Make sure you have the right technology to support them. 2D imagers can help encourage loyalty and increase guest interaction.

Find out how to connect with guests and build loyalty with 2D imagers >

Manufacturing & Warehouse

Work faster and more efficiently by scanning more barcodes, even when damaged or from a distance. 2D imagers can boost productivity and accuracy.

Discover how 2D imagers help track inventory, speed up deliveries, and more >


Customers are moving away from paper-based coupons and plastic loyalty cards. Soon, everything will be mobile, which traditional laser scanners cannot read. 2D imagers can help increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Learn to capture key data and maximize efficiency with 2D Imagers >
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